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Meet our gators!
We are the proud Garner staff

1 2 > showing 1 - 40 of 63 constituents

Zainab Alshabeeb

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Sheena Anderson

4th Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Kitisia Ashley

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Alyssa Bartholomew

2nd Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Brad Beane

5th Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Steve Benson

5th Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Brianna Bergmann

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Megan Bjork

Behavior Interventionist
Garner Elementary

Lindsey Brandon

1st Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Julie Bride

4th Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Justine Buckman

Nutrition Services Assistant
Garner Elementary

Annika Buell

2nd Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Madison Cardoza

Special Education Strategist
Garner Elementary

Cathy Clemens

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

JoAnn Clemens

Preschool Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Guadalupe DeJesus

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Taylor Deutmeyer

1st Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Eric Doster

3rd Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Travis Dyer

Elementary School Principal
Garner Elementary

Robyn Easley

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Kathleen Eckhoff

Title I Teacher
Garner Elementary

Mina Epley

Supervisory Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Madou Fomba

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Timka Ganibegovic

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Shadley Grimes

Lead ECSE Teacher
Garner Elementary

Benjamin Halsch

School Facilitator
Garner Elementary

Abigail Jensen

ELL Teacher
Garner Elementary

Nathan Kelley

Music Teacher
Garner Elementary

Kristine Kliewer

TLC Instructional Coach
Garner Elementary

Sammie Kopp

Student Teacher
Garner Elementary

Lauren Leonard

Van Allen Elementary, Garner Elementary

Heidi Lindstrom

2nd Grade Teacher
Garner Elementary

Erika Loyo Sanchez

Garner Elementary

Sydney Malloy

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Kelsey Martin

Kindergarten Teacher
Garner Elementary

Kathleen McDonald

Elementary Counselor
Garner Elementary

Ceara McFarland

Special Education Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Miekka Mires

Supervisory Paraeducator
Garner Elementary

Monique Moore

Title I Teacher
Garner Elementary

Emma Moss

Special Education Strategist
Garner Elementary
1 2 > showing 1 - 40 of 63 constituents